All My Cosmo Articles Online
I’ve written at least 96 articles for Cosmopolitan, which can be found online in the link above. The ones to the right are just a sampling for the sake of showing variety.
What His Favorite Superhero Reveals
Your guy's hero of choice can reveal a lot about his personality. Ask him to pick his all-time favorite action great from the list below and use Cosmo's guide to decode his answer.
"The Beauty Product That Changed My Life"
The very best items that turned our primping world right-side up
5 Things Your Bikini Waxer Won't Tell You
How to make your next wax-on, wax-off session way better
Shocking Ways You're Sabotaging Your Relationship
Bad habits that even the very best girlfriends do
How to Hose Down a Horn Dog
Fun fact: This is the article that pulled up in the search results when my future husband Googled me for the first time. Ha!